jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

The Perfect Polo Outfit

As we can all suppose, polo is a very elegant and traditional sport that was formalized by the British, who made it popular among the elites. That said, don’t expect to be taken seriously in polo (if you ever want to play it properly) wearing a typical sports outfit and sneakers. There are some etiquette rules you need to follow if you want to be taken seriously in this sport. Also, some of this equipment is strictly necessary for safety reasons.

The rider of the horse rigorously needs to wear a helmet and knee wards for protection. Also boots reaching the height of the knee are necessary, as well as mallets. The mallet is a 51-inch long bamboo handle with a woodenhead. The shape and color of the handle can change depending on the team’s preferences. As you may imagine, polo shirts derive from this sport. Polo shirts were made in the 1800’s especially for this sport, and began being long sleeve shirts. Then, it became sort of a trend and lots of brands surged using this clothing style.

The horse also has its own equipment needs. Every pony horse in a formal polo game must use bridles, blankets, wraps and one saddle.

The polo ball nowadays is usually made of hard plastic. However, on the beginning, they were made of wood. The size of the ball must be within the limits of 3 to 3.5 inches in diameter and 3.5 to 4.5 ounces in weight.

Remember, polo is not an easy sport. Knowing how to ride the horse and play it is just the first step. You need to buy all this equipment, in order to play it properly.

280 words.


Sport Polo. "Characteristics of a Polo Ball." Equestrian Sport of Polo. Web. 23 Aug. 2011. .

Everything Polo. "Polo Equipment." Polo Sport. Polo Ponies, Holidays, Equipment Etc. Web. 23 Aug. 2011.

Alejandra Treviño A01280206 Group: 301

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Ale
    I find polo a very formal sport that not anybody can play and also I saw that is very expensive because all your equipment has to be necessary, obviously if you want to played seriously, you are making a great job in blog, you are telling me all the things that I could imagine of polo continue doing this job!=D

  2. Wow I didn’t expected that such a game will have those “strict” rules. Well, actually I did had curiosity about the clothing, I mean, I always thought it was great wow the riders always matched with their horses, or this case their “polo ponies”. Is a relief to know this kind of data for future prevention, because we don’t know if we’ll be one of the next best Polo player :P jajajajaja I think it’s the best to have those rules because if there is an accident (hoping there isn’t), the players may get seriously injured if they don’t use the helmets and knee wards, maybe they could also get injured with them, but it’ll be better if wear that equipment.

    Thank you for your help, Polo-fan! :D This information is really helpful and interesting what’s most. I like to ride horses, though I haven’t done it for a while, but maybe in the future I’ll try this out, I just hope there are some special Polo shops or something similar, and that all this equipment won’t cost me a huge amount. T^T Thanks, I’ll read you next Thursday!! :D

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